Web pages and stomach sickness…

My researching has led me to making a web page in dedication to one of the characters, even though I have not read even one volume. I am odd, but oh well. I like doing these small projects. The page so far is nothing special, but then again I am not great at making web pages. In truth, web page making was another odd hobby I started doing back in seventh grade. I am surprised I remember as much as I do.

The rest of the week is a blur to me. Thursday was likely another one of those any other days. I remember seeing Brooke briefly one night via messenger. I had dreams also… I think Kyle appeared in one. I cannot recall if Brooke or Denise had.

Friday I spent on the page and collecting information, analyzing and organizing things for it. I read up on Genji Monogatari, Kaoru Udaisho, and the usage of Kimi, Japanese education systems and meanings to certain words. Other research comprised of analysis of names, signs, mathematics and looking into other characters again. I really should have stated sources, but I had gone to so many pages and read up on many things of no importance the ones that gave valuable information is lost to my recollections as well as my tries to retrace my steps.

Around two, my brother asked if I would go to San Antonio with him and my mother. I consented. We left and I had not slept for a good long time, perhaps a day or so, thus I took a brief slumber while in the car. We only ended up eating there, but hey, it got me out of the house. When we returned I hit the bed since the lack of sleep was finally getting to me. I seemed to not be feeling well ever since then. Saturday was spent in bed for the most part. Sunday was the same.

I think I have some sort of stomach virus.

Well, that is all I am going to write. I really lack the mood and even though I only woke up about four hours ago, I ate just an hour ago and am feeling rather sick again…

Oh, and my father is coming down on Thursday.

~ The Vampire Sheep Who Feels Under the Weather