
I cannot remember much of this week. It is a blur. My dad left on Tuesday morning and I was asleep most of the day. My sleeping is still erratic and my girls are online more. That makes me happy. There is a chance that I have a small patch of psoriasis on my arm, but I deny it in hopes it is not true. My mom thinks it is though. Meh.

I have not really been doing anything worth mentioning, not like I really do anyway, but oh well. I am almost done with the story, I know the ending, and boy, it is a pathetic one, but what do I care? I just cannot write out the last paragraph… It will not click together yet.

I heard Neko’s voice perfectly over an email she sent, which made me giddy and the like. I also drew some this week… No details though, I am tired or just lazy. All that is left to say is that I went to Fredericksburg today. We ate at a German styled restaurant and I was in taste bud heaven over the German Potato Salad. We walked around, but all the shops were closing due to our late arrival. For some silly reason my mother and brother let me sleep in. It is their fault.

Well, that is all. I am not in the mood.

~ The Vampire Sheep