My back hurts…

I saw Kyle on Sunday night. It was good to see him after a long absence of his presence. In truth, I thought he possibly forgot about me… going down different paths and all of that wonderful stuff. Soon enough after he departed I believe I found the reason. I found it… typical. I think I have gotten down my real life friendships to a T. They all wind up the same it seems. Oh well. I suppose I am wryly amused.

The girls have been absent for a while… since Thursday perhaps. I cannot be certain. Time is not something I do well with keeping track of. I have thought of them though. I think that is why I become so deep about my friendships… “Absence makes the heart grow fonder.” I think that is rather true.

I had times I had hopes one would show up, but as expected, neither showed. Knowing the time span of now, I would guess they are studying like mad for their SATs. I wish them luck. I hope that when they return they will be relaxed. I have done things, hence my hopes of seeing them.

I did a drawing for them to see. It is of characters from the mentioned story, my very first one, I bring up from time to time. I do not draw one particular character much, despite how much I like him. Well, now he has a cameo and it is of one of the scenes I had written. Despite there is no shading and it is not my best of coloring via computer… I rather like it. I hope they do as well.

Other than that, I have been piddling about with animation stills I find on the net. I have a thing for editing and doctoring pictures nowadays. I am often pleased because it tends to make the picture easier on the eyes and gives me a sense of – oh, my god I am actually going to write it – pride.

Oh yeah. I cut two inches of my hair off and ended up taking a small chunk of skin from my left hand’s knuckle. I cut too far. Joy. It did not hurt; it just merely bled too much. Either way, my hair is back to being right at my shoulders instead of past them. I am considering chopping the back off and go back to having short hair. I miss feeling the short locks in the back.

Additional things done so far would be working on the most recent of my stories. I finally managed out an ending. I rather like it. I hope the girls are not disappointed when they read it though. Then there is the editing of other writings. My first story, also known as “the story that is finished and yet never will be” was fooled with a bit along with a side story that is an alternate universe but with the same characters.

My mother returned on Sunday as well. I mainly slept all day for reasons unknown to me. Sigh… I really have my doubts about being able to cope in the world outside the one I live in now. I am utterly erratic in how I function. I have no real schedule at all. How will that do in an outside world that is of structure?

To go along with that issue, I likely will have much stress that I will not be able to manage properly. I predict that since the main reason I have no stress to send me over the edge is because I am in this sheltered world, as said. By god, I remember how I was just in school. I was that screwed up over school, how will I be in the real world? Even more so, I do not just have stress management issues, I also have issues with phones and driving. How delightful.

Oh well.

It is now eight thirty in the morning. I have spent another all-nighter. Joy. In addition, my mom’s perfume is out to kill my eyes.

~ The Vampire Sheep Who is One with the Duck