Fuel: Something’s Missing…

I thought the title phrase the first time I listened to Angels & Devils. I know what it is. I think I always knew really. I love the songs, the melodies and the combination of Green’s voice with the instrumentals. What is the problem then? It isn’t as powerful.
After getting the CD into my system I did the “next step”. I listened to the songs from Angels & Devils mixed with all the previous songs Fuel created. What was missing was a feeling that would bloom inside me.
Scallions’s voice gave a power and energy that made me really enjoy listening to his singing. His voice was very expressive as far as I am concerned. His voice really stood out, it seemed… even slightly past the instrumentals. It made me want to sing along enthusiastically.
Green has a more trained way of singing it seems. It blends well with the instrumentals and has a sort of “smoothness” to it. Even when his voice rises to near (if not already) yelling it is smooth like a single strum that rings loud and evenly abates to silence. While I respect his singing abilities it doesn’t send a sort of energy through me.
I find myself lightly singing along at times, but it doesn’t create an internal smile blooming within me. If I sing along, close my eyes and sing it how I would… that is when the blossom unfolds. With previous Fuel albums it wasn’t like that. The feeling would come first and urge me to sing. This one though… The melody is what I follow more I think. When I listened very intently to Green’s singing, I did find expression in his voice… but it wasn’t projected enough to get to me. Perhaps it is his pitch. His voice is lower than Scallions’s voice.
Despite this, I have found I do like Angels & Devils a lot just due to the sound overall. I think the group has evolved greatly. The lyrics are a bit better and the instrumentals are great. The melodies pull me in and Green’s voice is exceptional. At times I even think this CD might be their best so far. The combination does well and if this keeps up, I will likely check out their next album release.
There is just… a slight feeling of loss though. I miss that feeling I’d get from listening to previous albums.
The only step left now is to get a good long listening on headphones. The time that will happen is when I take a long trip somewhere though. It seems listening during those times are the best for this sort of thing.