*My Fingers are Frozen…

Well, I have the Internet back. Sadly, I am also rendered to Windows again – what a bitch. Heh. It took me a while to get used to it again, but I’m starting to get a handle once more. I just know that spyware programs and all of that junk are going to become great annoyances to me now. That will be one of the main things I’ll miss about Linux.
Oh well, I guess it is not so bad. It was a pain redoing everything though. I have all the things I require back, minus one program, I believe. A condolence for the loss is that I can use the old graphic editing program I had before now.
I mentioned somewhere about finding the old Gateway laptop my mom used back during my years in middle school. Well, lo and behold, it had the very program. Yeah, it is that bloody old. I love it though. The new ones today are all hyped and confuse me to hell. If I do figure them out, they are a freaking pain to use anyway due to the many steps required. Another thing is that I cannot have certain precisions on them… that is not a good combination with OCD, which in turn does not due well with someone who is prone to repressed anger issues. Restraint! Restraint!
Anyway, there was another paint program I used to use, but that one was freakishly old too, and it was not on said laptop. Hopefully, I will find a more updated version of it that will be of use. If not… well, at least I have the main program I cared about.
My dad came here on Friday. He really needs to learn how to rest. Sheesh. In midst of this, he helped me relocate a shelf in my closet. He was the one who broke it to me that I’d have to revert to Windows. He did all that happy junk for me. It was a painful time. Heh. It was a bitch for him to try to get the Internet working. It became a bastard when he bought a splitter cable and it caused much problems in terms of the Internet as well as doing nothing for my TV.
I have two lamps for my night stands finally. My father bought me speakers for some reason – apparently he thinks my using a pair of headphones to not be acceptable. Bah. I also have a light pull for my ceailing fan, the previous one was for a little boy’s room – previous owner.
Mom found a bookshelf that she thought was black. She took me to see it. I automatically could tell it was brown. Heh. I’m such a bastard. My parents do not realize how well I differenciate colors. Yes, the wood was very dark. That did not change the fact that I could tell it was brown. This time around I did not say no to it. I figure, even though I know it is not black, apparently most people cannot. My parents have been great examples to this.
Today I had the doors to my closet taken off. They are those slide folding ones. My father struggled trying to get one of them out. I wandered off, got my multi-tool and made it into a screwdriver. I undid one screw. my dad argued it would only adjust something. I dismissed him, I was going to try it out. If it worked then yay! If not, oh well. To his demise it worked. I was humored.
I still have a few things left to do about my room before it is deemed “complete enough”. It will be a while before it is “complete”. What is required for “complete enough”, is the ability to unpack the rest of my boxes. Said boxes are three. Two hold books. The other holds my downcomforter, which is the cushioning for some fragile things that need a shelf to be put on. So yeah, I need some more shelves put up and then everything will be unpacked.
Well, I cannot say I can think of much more… I saw the therapist last Monday. I saw the psychiatrist last Friday. There is nothing new in both sessions. I won’t see the therapist for the next two Mondays, from what I believe. If not, it is one Monday. Since things have been going well for me, I will not see the psychiatrist for four months. I shrug at such.
Um… CP and Neko are still absent. They have a house guest that was supposed to stay only for a short time. He’s become something of a long term resident, I think. They are having their troubles, but I cannot really keep up due to lack of communication. I can only wish them well.
Well, my hands are still freakishly cold, thus making it a bitch to type. I guess that will be all, other than that my dad is leaving this morning when the hour is not near 2 in the morning.