Happy Birthday Brooke and Denise (Even though I cannot tell you it directly in any form or fashion)…

Last week is a blur. I remember nothing. Then again, I was likely very submerged in reading. I even forgot about what I dub as “family time”. Other than that, I know that I worked slightly on a drawing, which I finished tonight/this morning. Saturday and Sunday were spent in medication withdrawal. I depend on my mother to give it to me since my memory is not adequate for such a task. Well, this weekend hers was not either. I was in bed for an atrocious amount of time. The joys of dependency on drugs it seems.

My father made it down around twelve thirty. I was still in bed feeling under the weather. He left a box of old books in my room, and after groggily managing to rise at least my upper body, I allowed one arm to move to shift through the books like one would through files in a cabinet. Yes, I was in that pathetic of a state. After a couple of hours later, I was able to even get out of the bed.

I arose and was very out of control of my usual self. I ran into the box, I stumbled out of the room and those two things alone are things I do not do unless in a strange manic state full of odd quirks. My father was resting in the living room by then I think … I cannot recall. The day has been foggy for the most part.

There were intentions to eat around three or four. I had not eaten for the longest time though, so I made some toast with a slice of cheese in between. It was Dad or my brother – wait, it was likely my brother – who told me I should not be eating since dinner would occur soon enough. I of course ignored it. Standing, sitting… my head was a dense haze. I was sort of a thing that just sat there… nothing.

It was then it occurred to me that I could not recollect my medicine. My mom was next to me at that point and I inquired her about it. Apparently, I was in withdrawal. She thought I took my medicine. I responded by asking her how I could have taken it since I had been unconscious for a disturbingly long period this weekend. There was more quips put into the conversation, but I lack clarity.

I took a shower and ended up looking very nice since I somehow received compliments, which is utterly bazaar. It was nice though, so I had my dad take a picture for the heck of it. Hey, it is a rare occasion – me looking good that is – and I was lacking my lack thereof brain.

Eventually we left to eat around four. The place intended was closed for the day though, so we went elsewhere. The place was worth it. It was a Mexican restaurant. My father in the end decided to take a bite out of a pepper. It might have been a jalapeno or it could have been worse. Either way, his reaction sent the table into laughter. Poor Dad. The evening was nice though.

We then went out to look at houses. We are residing in a rental home, so of course we are still looking around. My brother was showing my dad areas we had looked through before. Then at the end, we went through a park none of us but my brother had seen. When we got home, I went for my room as usual and spent my time alone as usual.

I have been up all night reading and drawing. My parents have just now gotten up. My mother had poked her head in first and then my dad entered just a few minutes ago to give me my medicine and something to eat.


Today the only thing that is scheduled is to go to the grocery store with my father. In addition, I believe he intends to cook dinner tonight. My, my… Halloween. It will be my first time to celebrate it here. I am not much of a celebrating person – I avoid my birthday even. Still, it is interesting to consider. We will spend Thanksgiving where my eldest brother lives. Christmas will be spent here.

Anyway, I suppose that is all I really have to type other than that I have not seen the girls or Kyle for who knows how long now. My Internet Is back, obviously… it just happens to come back when I am out of commission. Joy.

~ I still feel hazy…

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