
E. brother no longer works for Samsung for reasons Mom and Dad do not know. He either applied to Target or got a job there. Other than that, he seems fine.

Dad is depressed. Mom and Other brother are thinking of ways to get him out and about until the job is settled. it is looking uncertain. The people keep putting it off. Mom thinks that it might be because of this being off season for house selling.

Sister… no idea.

Other brother seems fine.

Mom seems fine.

We still have that cat. He is now Smokey by name. His eyes are becoming clearer and have a yellow tint now.

I’m in a fog/slump/whatever thing… hence the lack of entries, writing and action Internet wise. Bleh.

Um… Halloween was good this year. While I was up, there was only one ring of the doorbell. It seems the trick is not to turn on the porch lights here. After all, a lot of people on this street are old and retired. Due to that though… what a waste on candy. I told Dad just to get raisins. I’m sure my parents would easily snack on them. Oh well.