Forever, is Just Some Useless Word You’d Say…

I guess I just don’t have much to say. I’ve still not gone back to the forum much… just a few posts here and there for some people who like me there… but I really just don’t feel interested. I’m losing interest in a collecting game I’ve been doing that past few months as well… Tonight, I am not sure if I’m at my best. I doubt it is anything to worry about though.
It has been a long time since I’ve had a muse spark, but I’ve been trying to pick up something I began writing a while ago. There isn’t any inspiration at all, but I’ve somehow managed to write quite a bit. I also started drawing something earlier this month, but that has dwindled as well when my wrist and arm began bothering me… I guess it is only half done at best.
Nothing much has really happened. Back at the end of January I gave my mother her birthday gift. She seemed to like it. February has been something of a blur… and on the 26th I’ll be going for a haircut. We won’t be going to the second mall this time. While that means my mom has no chance of getting lost this time and all that, it is a bit of a shame because my haircut at the second mall was half the amount if have to pay at the one we are going to. Also, being lost in there gave me a whole lot more to do than the one we are going to. Oh, well.
Anything else? If so, I don’t really care, I suppose. This month I have found that while not often or constant, I have been thinking things like “Fuck the world” more often…