Busy and Broke…

Let’s see… After my last entry I found out around Sunday or Monday that my left leg is likely longer than my right. I walk with my left foot pointing a bit to the outer side instead of facing completely forward. I usually rest on my right foot and let my left leg rest angled instead of straight up and down.
We also concluded that when walking I need better shoes. So, I wound up spending around eighty-something dollars on new freaking shoes. Sigh. They had better do wonders for me.
The rest of the week is a blur to me, but I do know I worked on my dad’s B-day gift off and on during the afternoons. I have some Sculpey and made a sunflower with a slight back ground. It turned out good and then after it was baked, I painted it with some acrylics.
My brother had come by during those times as well. He had laundry to wash and a blanket he needed my mom to patch up. He saw my process as well as a few additional things I made with the polymer clay.
Three-dimensional art is not my forte. Still, I find it a lot easier than painting. I think it all turned out well.
Mom got to see the end result of the sunflower. When Saturday was to come, she told me she’d take me to the crafts store so I could get some other things to finish the project. Yeah, I was going to do more with it.
Friday was normal. We went out to eat that night at the Mexican restaurant we like. It was all good.
Saturday was busy again. Dad and I got groceries a bit earlier than usual. Mom needed the car by one. She had a conference-like thing to go to. I worked off and on painting one of the other Sculpey things.
By two or such my mom came home and we left to the craft store. I got a frame, some backing and acrylics. Mom then checked out the fabrics for ideas and eventually we headed to another area to look at candles. She got three candles and then we went to check out. In total my gift to my father was about twenty-five to thirty bucks in supplies and who knows how much in time and preparation. Heh.
We left then and stopped by a health food store where my mom bought some sort of drink that was thirty-two ounces and cost forty-freaking-bucks. I said nothing though. “To each his own” is the phrase I believe. Besides, I’ve likely gotten insanely priced things from time to time too.
After that we headed across town to get pet supplies and then stopped by Hallmark to get birthday cards. When all of that was accomplished we then stopped by the mall-like area and Mom bought some shirts for Dad’s B-day and then got a few things for herself since it was tax-free weekend and all that. I can’t recall how much she got, but like… for six to eight nice things she got all for about fifty-nine bucks apparently.
When we were in the car Mom spoke of being tired and I spoke of craving Chinese. She apparently liked the idea and decided we should eat some. So, we went home. We unpacked and I hid the gifts in my closet as such seems to occur with all gifts, and we headed out. Dad wasn’t interested so it was just Mom and me.
It was good. We got out usual orders, saw Jennifer – the lady who owns and knows us well as customers – and talked. Mom certainly felt better after getting some food in her and I simply liked the taste as usual.
We returned home with leftovers when that was over with and for a while I worked on the Sculpey thing. I was saving my dad’s gift for later when I knew he’d be asleep. In the middle of it, my mom checked on me. She wanted to watch TV. I obliged.
When nine came I returned to my room once we watched all that was to be watched. I returned to painting and then did whatever. When I was quite certain everyone was asleep I decided to work on my dad’s gift.
It required cutting, pasting and painting. In the end, I think it turned out fine. I put it into the frame-like shadow box and I was finally done. It was the ungodly hours of the morning by then.
After cleaning up, I rested in bed for an hour before my cat wanted out again. I stayed up after that and meandered out of my room around six. I saw my dad, he asked why I was up, I told him half of the reason and I got my meds. I think I went to bed around seven after that.
I woke up at one that afternoon. I don’t remember quite what I did other than read a bit out of a book I got the day before via mail. I had fallen asleep again at some other point and woke again around… five maybe? My dad made comment about it. Why he cares about my sleep patterns is beyond me, but it is bothersome.
While doing some dishes, I saw my mom and asked her if she wanted to see the end result. She liked it. That was reassuring.
After that, I am not quite sure what I did, but around six I ate a bacon sandwich for dinner. I had watched the end of “Ocean’s Twelve” with my brother, which is the only amount I’ve ever seen of it anyway, and at some point my mom asked me to sew up the bedspread as well as wash the sheets to it by Monday.
I hate sewing bedspreads.
Well, around nine-thirty, I fell asleep again and didn’t wake until one. I got up then, ate a midnight meal, cleaned up the kitchen and started the washing process of the bed sheets. I went back to sleep around three and woke again around seven. Somewhere in between I received my meds.
I saw my parents before they left, did some chores and ate breakfast. They left, I meandered. I went to bed again at some point to wake up around twelve. By then the sheets, covers and bedspread had been cleaned and dried, so I piled them up.
Dad came home not long after and we made the bed together. I then made myself a peanut butter sandwich and we chatted a bit or I meandered. He left sometime later… maybe around one?
When two came I got in my walk and around three or four I vacuumed. My sister arrived around four-thirty and since I was back in my room, I didn’t hear her at all. The doorbell and knocking mean nothing back here. What got my attention were the dogs eventually.
My sister had been waiting outside. I opened the door and she came in. I had no idea she was coming today. I thought she was coming tomorrow.
Well, she got in, had a phone call from my parents and I meandered back into my room. The rest of the afternoon is a relative blur to me… not much was really done. My mom and sister went to the gym soon after. My dad got to watching TV and I of course stayed in my room and ate dinner.
I fell asleep early… around seven-forty, though. I woke up again around nine-thirty. I was just in time to see my mom get ready for bed. Ha.
Tomorrow is my dad’s B-day. I reminded mom about the card and pulled them out for her so she could sign hers. She left the card and the shirts she got him on his desk chair for him to find tomorrow morning. I merely left the card. I plan to give him the gift I made personally, thank you very much.
So… here I am. From what I know my sister is staying tomorrow, tomorrow night and leaves sometime on Wednesday. My mom and sister took time off work to see each other and plan to spend time together. At lunch they’ll be eating out and I’ll be joining them. We are hoping Dad will be able to join us as well. After that they apparently intend to go to the park and do some kayaking or paddle boating… I draw the line there and plan to stay home after that.
Other than that… nothing really comes to mind. Well, I think my eldest brother is starting school again on Wednesday, actually. Yeah, he’s going back to college. Hoo…
That is all!