Crazy Makers…

Hmm. It seems I am taking something of a sabbatical from most “on hand” Internet activities. I often think to write things down for entries, uploading things to the site and such… but I just am not interested enough. I require an internal fuel and concentration for such things. Oh, well.
Um… Oh, right. The real thing I wanted to write down was simply that a conclusion has been made just recently… perhaps a few minutes ago. Back when I had my mental crash, I thought I just stopped having the ability to gather information and retain it. While some of that is true… there was more.
I used to have racing thoughts every night back in my adolescence. I considered myself philosophical due to some of the thoughts and ideas I developed. I was having one of those semi-manic thinking moments tonight and voiced it aloud to my mother. I cannot recollect clearly as to what she called it despite I asked her to repeat what she had said… but I think she said that such way of thinking is what her people call “Crazy Makers”.
I had paused at that and thought, “Huh… so all those times I thought I was being philosophic were really times I was going mad?”
Ah… how interesting…


Oh, yeah… the following consists of some tests and some clipped notes written down on 03/24/08:

What Is Your Inner Desire?
You have no inner desire. You are completely content with life and are very care free. You are very optimistic about almost everything. This is a good attitude to have, its always good to love life and take it as it comes and enjoy the good times instead of dwelling on the bad.
How do you compare?
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Yeah. Ambition is tiring. Heh.


Are you a REAL man?
You Are A Real Man
You Are A Real Man
The perfect combination of being tough and being sensitive, you know how to stand up for yourself and the ones you love, but you don’t go out looking for a fight to prove you’re a man. You know who you are, and you have a lot to offer because of that. You attract the real ladies.
How do you compare?
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What is your spirit animal?
Rabbit Spirit
Rabbit Spirit
Your spirit animal is the rabbit.
Aloof, distrustful yet sweet and caring, when treated well.
A rabbit spirit is a cautious one, more paranoid than most. One that is warm at heart, but cold outside. They need not be afraid of all things in the world. Only the wolf spirit.
How do you compare?
Take this test! | Tests from Testriffic

It suits. Shame. I like tigers over rabbits.

Um… My second cousin got married. I had a physical. A week later I had tests done after fasting for about 18 hours. My brother stayed for a week. My cat is doing fine. My wrist/hand is still a bitch at times. Tests came back by Monday, but my mom still has yet to call back to hear what the results are. Yeah, I should likely be the one calling… but phones are evil and listening to people leads to me hearing noises and not understanding a word he or she is saying. Joy.