Cleaning, Projects, and Movies…

Friday was just another day really. Nothing to be said, I guess.
Saturday, however was a busy day. I woke around eight. My parents and I were going to stop by the house my E. brother and sister resided in for a good long while. E. brother moved out, as noted somewhere earlier. My sister moved out before him into an apartment. Now it is alone and in dire need of fixing. Yes, my E. brother is an utter slob and my sister is as well. My sister does have better hygiene though and is not gross like him.
Well, the stop was mainly to look the house over, check the security system on the house and the smoke alarms. Terrible stuff has happened that needs fixing. Basically, it was to see the damage.
We got there around eleven thirty, I think. Another thing to add to the list of neglect or abuse to the house was the A/C not working. It worked on batteries and those died. We needed to get things like light bulbs and such, so we left the house and went to the Home depot. ‘Got the things needed and we headed back. We were supposed to get the heater going once the batteries were placed in, so we called my sister to meet us at a restaurant for lunch. It was not so simple.
The A/C still had problems after the batteries were replaced. So, for a good long while my dad worked on trying to get it to come on and then when it came on it was only the fan. The home phone did not work for reasons unknown to me so there were issues when we called maintenance. We relied on my mom’s cell phone.
My sister was called and informed of the issues we were having, and thus stopped by at the house. I piddled and replaced light bulbs or used a broom to clean off cobwebs around the ceiling.
My dad had us go on to lunch without him. We would bring him something back. So, Mom, Sis and I got into the car and headed for lunch. I wasn’t feeling to well, so the food was not as satisfying as it usually would have been to me. There was discussion to go to Target to get some pillows and something else for the bedroom. We left eventually, dropped Dad’s food by the house and Mom talked to the neighbor.
My sister and I waited for her in the car. Sis has some studying going on, so I helped her out as we waited. It was mainly vocabulary. She apparently did not know any of it. I was surprised since I knew an okay amount. Not all of them, mind you… but I knew more than she did. It was interesting to say the least. My mom finally came out who knows how long later and we heeded for Ross rather than Target. Mom got pillows and that other thing. My sister got herself some pillows as well. We finally left for the house.
Upon return, my dad has disassembled the desk that had been my elder brother’s and he had the A/C working. Mom and I got to work. She worked on her bedroom. My sister left for work, I believe. Dad and I checked the fridge and together threw everything in it out. After all, my E. Brother was supposed to have emptied it when he left the place back in November. Oi. Once it was empty, I did my best to clean the stains and hardened liquids in it. Once that was accomplished I worked on the dishes in the kitchen.
When I did as much as I could, I piddled some. By then it was around four, I think. We all had done what we could for the day and soon enough we left for home. I cannot really remember the rest of the night. I think we all just sort of collapsed into chairs and eased out minds with TV. I think I went to bed early that night.
Sunday, my dad and I went to the grocery store after he returned from church with Mom. We got what was needed and returned. After putting everything up and a pause for a breather, he and I left for Wal-Mart to get some bird seed a water filter, printer ink and too look at some hard drives. They did not have much of a selection on the latter.
After we got home, my brother and Dad helped me get my old desk out of the room and reassemble my E. brother’s old desk. Pretty much they did all the work though. I just helped where I could. When assembled, my brother worked on plugging everything back in. Once settled, the computer was turned on again. My screen was blank. It is a normalcy. Due to that, we could not find out if I got the Internet. My dad’s computer got it, but my brother’s did not.
They left me be then and I worked on putting everything right. The cords were all tangled, so I planned on getting them reassembled neatly after I got everything else in order on my desk. It was a while before that happened and by then I was pretty tired, so I decided to put the cord rearranging off until I got a nap in.
My computer screen still had not worked by then, so my brother got fed up and tried to check out the problem by replacing it with others to see if it was the vide cartridge or the monitor. It was determined it was the monitor. So, while he and my dad worked on trying out things, I piddled off. I was too out of it by then. I took a nap in my parents’ bedroom.
I do not remember when I woke up again, but by then my mom wanted to watch TV, so we did. Somewhere in between my dad had cooked dinner. I think we finished the movie around eight. Anyway, by the end of it, I was rejuvenated again. My brother gave me his old computer screen. It had sort of died on him a while back, so he’s been using a different one. It works fine for me so far, though. Since all was settled, I headed for my room to work on putting the cords in order.
When my parents went to bed, I was still working in my room and later was on the computer pretty much all night. Come Monday, I was still up. Sometimes around three or four I started watching “To Kill a Mockingbird”. It was a good movie. Somewhere in between I stopped though since my parents had woken up. I took my medication and all that fun stuff. When the movie was over, I was satisfied with it. I left the room and talked to my mom about it and asked how true to the book it was. It was of course condensed, but she said it remained pretty true. I decided to look around for the book. I knew we had a copy in the house. I found it soon enough and told her I’d likely read it if I ever got in the mood.
I finally went to bed around seven after cleaning the kitchen and doing laundry. I pretty much slept all day. I woke around three in the afternoon, did some stuff and ended up hitting the bed again around four. I finally got up around six thirty. Mom wanted to watch TV together. Nothing was really on though, so she and I watched a Canadian mystery/cop show together. We watched something dealing with weather disasters. I was still tired, however and so retreated to my room when it was over and hit the bed once more. My mom came in a few times asking me things, but I don’t really remember.
I finally woke up again around twelve. I took a shower, cleaned the dishes in the kitchen and checked the laundry. After that I checked the computer.
I watched “Jack Ketchum’s The Girl Next Door” Tuesday in the ungodly hours. I started around one. I had been reading about it for a couple of days before deciding to watch it. The reviews caused me to expect the worst. I expected my stomach to turn or for my mind to have the inability to stop thinking about it. I expected it to be the sort of movie I’d be dwelling on for a while.
Instead… it is over. I remember readying myself for something horrible. I read up on the true event it was based on. I questioned if I should watch at night or day. I guess I am just too detached or merely too used to such things. Perhaps I am numb? Maybe I am sadistic? I do not know.
All I really remember was focus, occasional anticipation, dimmed disgust and thinking “I’ve written of such implications as well.” Perhaps I am a sick bastard?
Now the movie is over and I just wonder, why am I not affected more? I also wonder… am I reacting to it similar to the time I saw “Hostel”? I know I am not really, in observation. Hostel was just… “Oh, okay. That reminds me of the Spanish Inquisition.” This movie… just makes me think…”I’ve read of this stuff before… hell, I’ve written fiction of this stuff.”
I guess what I wonder most is… why? I wonder how human I really am at times when it comes down to human emotion. I suppose if I were really there… I’d react. I’d likely be cringing, looking away and trying to block it all out. I know I get easily frightened if my dad ever gets in one of his sour moods, and those are merely cursing at inanimate objects and slamming things.
I guess it was due to third person view. It is merely something I watched. Experience can be everything in regards to a human. Then there are those sensitive enough where just watching or reading something can affect them almost as much as experience can.
One really has to wonder though… human nature. People would probably say being sadistic is not a human nature. I don’t know though. You never see any other living creature be sadistic. It seems to be exclusively something that can occur in humans.
The mind is a frightening thing.
Anyway, the rest of Tuesday and all of Wednesday was pretty much normal.
Nothing else comes to mind.