Trying to Return to Retrograde…

I’m still a bit out of my retrograde, but maybe by next week I’ll be relatively back to normal. That will be good considering I think that some of my late spending is fueled a bit from the additional energy, hence stress, here. I’m so bad.

Well, my dad’s thing went well and as expected. Nothing has been determined yet and he received some materials to look over. That is all I know.

A “pop” shot was in order Wednesday. Flu season has arrived it seems. I never would have known. Of course my arm ends up aching a few hours later and my mom is just fine. Bah.

My E. brother left yesterday night and arrived safely in Chicago. That is al i know of his scenario really. I believe I only learned this by vaguely hearing a conversation my mom had over the phone with him.

Tomorrow, as noted previously, will be the glorious haircut day. I hope I survive. I’ve been weak all this week and perhaps even some of last week due to all this… In any case, I should go to bed. She and I will be leaving around eight thirty. Nine is the latest.

That is all.