Out of It…

Since my last entry, I’ve been working on the gallery part of one of my sites. Due to that, I’ve been coloring or restoring old color jobs I’ve done on pictures. This will be a doozy. Such things take me up to a day to complete, sometimes longer.

Saturday my mother and I went to a small town that is known for its many shops. We ate at a German restaurant that we like there. The hot German potato salad is heaven, damn it! I have a sort of mental euphoria the first half of eating the dish. If you like cats, you’ll understand this analogy. It is similar to the feeling the front of your head feels when you snuggle a cat the right way. It feels good and a bit dreamy.

After eating we stopped by two shops. One was to simply look through. The products were too highly priced compared to things we have seen of similarity. The second shop was to get a tray. My mother got one there before, but it broke. They managed to have the same tray still there to her luck. She got a few other things as well. We headed home after that.

I had not gotten any sleep the night before, and likely had lacked sleep for about a day. We did a stop by the mall area here. I don’t really consider it a mall, but okay. We stopped at Office Max since my mother needed something and then Hallmark. We finally went home after that. About an hour later I finally slept.

From then on, I slept most of the weekend away. Sunday I had felt a bit under the weather and food was not a lovely concept to me. My mom wondered if it was due to seeing her. That was something I never wanted her to think, but she explained it was my sensitivity to physical stimuli. She said that since I don’t see her much during the week maybe the day before dealt into it. Perhaps. There was also the lack of sleep.

I usually get that way during weekends though. Not every weekend, but it happens.

Monday and onwards is a blur. I slept most of those days. It was pretty much sleep, eat a bowl of cereal, clean and sleep again. Yeah, my hunger has been… sort of… bleh. During all of this, my mother did talk about my siblings and their job statuses.

My sister is doing an internship that should last three months of no pay, unlike all the others that required six. During this, she will hopefully have a bartending job. She also seems to be looking at an apartment with some girls. Good luck to her.

My second brother, the one who lives here, is really getting burned by his job. His job is the analogy to my middle school years. Knowing that, I feel very sorry for him. He told my mother on Tuesday afternoon about how he was going to try to get his boss to let him work days rather than nights. If that is not possible, he intends to give a two weeks notice. In turn he also hopes his second job will hire him full time if such happens.

My father blew a gasket when my mother told him. I think he is where I got my extremist, “the world is going to end by this small thing” nature. It is the whole thing about rent money. If my brother no longer has the job to pay the rent, Dad says he’ll have to withdraw his retirement papers and plans, et cetera… Looking at my brother though, and thinking on how my dad takes to me…

It seems pretty damn unfair. I know how crappy I felt back when I had such work, sleep, and stress issues. If my father knew of a way to stop such issues then, I’m sure he would have jumped at the solution… if he had known that is. My brother’s issues are known though. He works hard. He’s a better person now. Despite that you intend to force him to continue? Is that not a sort of torture?

Why such seriousness? I think his stress is what has helped rear the ugly head of his sudden sickness. Yeah, he is sick right now. He admitted that on Monday he had trouble focusing on the cars and the road because he was so tired. He woke up yesterday and started the day with hurling. He was tired and that afternoon was when he had the talk with my mom. Come Wednesday, he remained home and slept. I was out of it, so I did not realize he was actually sick until my mom popped up and told me she was taking him to the ER to get checked out. They found no solution despite all the test ran. In any case, my brother has been dizzy, headachy, and has had cold and hot spells from what I can recall.

Um… there is my eldest brother then… I am foggiest when it comes to him… I think he got a new job. Maybe he simply applied? Oh well. It has to do with telephones and answering questions people have about the product the company has sold. When his girlfriend is settled, he’ll move to be with her. If things work, which my mom seemed to give implication that it is another one of those terribly optimistic, no planning things, he will hopefully be able to be relocated in Chicago once that happens.

Today has been uneventful. My brother did not get up from bed until around one this afternoon. I did my chores and updated one of my sites a bit. That is about it.

My dad should be coming down this weekend. Saturday is his B-day. Anything else? Nothing comes to mind.