"Happy Holidays" they say…

Well, So far the holidays have gone by without a hitch as far as I am concerned. I was the first to give acknowledgement to my brother when his birthday occurred. He came home in the middle of the night, the early morning hours. I was still up. Since it had officially been his birthday for a few hours, I said in my usual voice, “So you managed to survive another year. Congratulations.” I believe I went to bed after that. I cannot recollect.
My father and brother came down later on that day. My sister came down on Christmas evening. We had opened presents without her since we were not certain if she’d come. Budget was tight this year, but none of us really cared I think. By average each person got about three gifts.
Someone got me a Disney movie. It happened to be the wrong one, but I was amused nonetheless. In order to watch it, I will have to get the first one though. Ha.
My eldest brother did some shopping as well. Much to my surprise he got me a book. I have no clue as to what it is about if it does have a theme, but is an anthology of stories by Neil Gaiman, so I’m sure it is dandy.
I also got a new keyboard, which was the only thing I really had asked for. I have no idea how much it cost either, but it is likely more expensive than the one I had been looking at. (I’m a bargain searcher.) It is still lovely nonetheless. I was somewhat avoiding the design, looking for better luminescence, but I seem to be typing fine with it. Joy.
The clincher was my dad. I realized not long after he left from his last visit, he likely went to look for a pocket watch. I had talked to him in the car about my interest in getting one. I had my eyes on a specific one at the time. The interest was mainly for the self-wind ones. I had the fortune to stumble upon a really cheap one that I wound up and listened to. As said, it was cheap, so that was its last run, but it brought me much joy to the point that I wished to have one some day.
Well, when it occurred to me what sort of many my father is, I took hold of my mom and told her that he likely decided to go out and buy one even though I did not ask to have one for Christmas. Well, she spoke with him. Much to my resignation, he already looked, found and bought. It is not what I had been looking at, that is for certain, but it is lovely all the same.
He of course picked gold of all coverings. I certainly did not want such a coating. I am not a gold person and it goes with nothing I have. Oh well. I had seen it on the Internet actually. That amused me. What makes it great though is that as it of course does the winding, it also has a clear face; therefore, I have the joy of watching the springs go about in action.
There were two add-ons as well. My mom got gift cards for all of us. My brother and I got one to Amazon. My second brother, I have no idea. I think my mother went through and got my father one for some sort of clothing store. Anyway, that was another moment for amusement. I am usually up at night, so when my mom applied for the card, I received the notice when it entered my mail box. It said something about Amazon; therefore, I knew what it was. Heh.
I had only asked for two things this Christmas, one was the keyboard. The other was to get some videos from a specific website. Well, both cases were screwed over some. I had been looking at specific places and specific things. The keyboard I was looking at was around fifteen bucks. The videos and books I was looking at were either half the price at the site I was at or had things that were no longer in existence on Amazon. Therefore, both were screwed some. They tried. Heh.
The other card was to Hastings. The problem with that is, Hastings NEVER has anything I look for. I even checked the website. Nope. No luck. Silly parents.
Anyway, the rest of the day was sort of spent piddling in my case. I drew a bit and looked over some things. I slept during the afternoon since I had been up all night and only managed to obtain a half sense of sleep for a few hours in the morning. I woke up and my sister had arrived. She had some car trouble, so my second brother had to go get her. They left the car. We began dinner then. It was pleasant. The food was okay. My sister got to unwrap her gifts.
I was rather happy at her response to something I suggested my mother to get her. I remember her asking me to look up a certain show to see if there was a boxset for it. There was not at that time, but I knew there likely would be one by now. I noted to my mother to try that when she asked what my sister might like.
When my sister opened it, her face lit up. I think it received the best response. I know I did not get it and I know my mother was the one with the credit – my mom was leery, because she thought my sister might say it was stupid – but it made me happy that I knew what my sister wanted.
After dinner I went to sleep again. I woke up around two this morning. I might work on some drawing again.
