
Saturday, I left with my mom to drop by my brother’s house for the weekend. Usually, I keep away as much as possible. I decided to go for once. I had not had a haircut for nine months. It was undeniably needed. The whole weekend was cleaning and packing.
The main reason I avoid the house is because my brother is a slob. The house is not a place I would want to inhabit. I felt dirty being there. I did not want to sit or touch anything, so for the most part I mainly stood on my feet and if I ever rested it was on my mom’s bed since it was changed and dressed with clean bedding.
It was *Monday did I get my haircut. I lost a good amount of hair. I went in between my “short” and “how long my hair was at the time” for once. When done, my mother and I went to get some groceries for my siblings and some cleaning supplies. I started packing big time after that. I was going as quickly and efficiently as possible.
Later that night when my mother got back we went out to eat Tex-Mex and when we got back I did more packing. My sister found the laptop I had been asking about. Said laptop was one my mother used back in 1997. If she got it sooner than that, I am not certain. Simply put, I became hopeful.
I went to bed around eleven that night, but I could not fall asleep – that is to be expected. I rose then and decided to see if the laptop was still able to run. As opposed to everyone else in the house, I believed it would. I was right.
It was so amusing to look through it. I removed some programs, looked through files and did some other means of cleaning the inside of it. I shut it off a couple of times and cleaning the physical aspect with Windex. In the end I found the defrag link. For some reason many programs were not on the link bar so I had to look around in the files of Explorer.
I ran the program for a while, but eventually stopped it, turned the computer off and put it up into the case again. I was becoming tired by then and promised to work on it again the next day.
Today was spent only cleaning. My mom had a conference, hence the main reason why we went there. Before she left, I woke up and she asked me to do a chored for her. I decided I’d add onto that chore and did so. My brother does not do dishes, laundry… pretty much he does nothing. I decided to try to clean all the laundry and all the dishes, as well as make the kitchen as clean as possible.
In the end the laundry made up around five or more loads, so I pretty much used up ALL of the detergent. I ran the dishwasher a couple of times after scrubbing everything. While that went on I worked freakishly hard on getting the sticky table top clean and later worked on the freezer that was covered in coffee grains. God… The microwave was terrible as well. Then there were the stains on the bloody cabinets and the fridge was sticky.
In the end, I collapsed onto my mother’s bed after hooking up the laptop in there. I ran the defrag program to undergo the process comletely now that it had a place to be safe from the animals. I promptly fell asleep after watching the defrag process.
I slept or cleaned for the rest of the day and when my mother got home we started to pack the boxes we filled up into the car, got all of our clothes packed and added them in and then got the dog into the back. We hit the road around six forty and got home slightly before nine. Bloody tired were we, but i was determined to clean up the kitchen and do some laundry before I took a shower and get something to eat.
Now I am here. I am achey, and tired physically. I think I will take a nap simply for my body. Whenever I wake up, I’ll finish the laundry if possible, empty the dishwasher and work on the ancient laptop some more.