I am still tired…

I hurt my back terribly on Friday night. We had gone to a Mexican restaurant, and somehow I did something to my hip that made it ache slightly. It had been a while since such has happened. Then right after that my mother and I went to the grocery store. My mom tells me I twisted my back while moving her freakishly heavy pack of twenty-four bottles of water. After unpacking, I was extremely tired again, but would not sleep until I cleaned up the place. I did the laundry, dishes and so forth. In mid of it I added another to the list… a shower. I did all of that and finally hit the bed.

I stayed in bed a lot this weekend. My sleeping has not changed. I am sleeping far too much. I cannot even remember much about this week either. It has been a long time since I have had a tired spell last so long. All I know really is that I have been reading a lot if awake, or doing my chores. In fact, due to my sleeping, I had not seen my mother for two days and ten hours. In other words, I finally saw her Friday. In fact, I believe it might have been that day, or perhaps Saturday, did she mention wishing I would go to college. I cringed.

Yeah, I suppose I could. I noticed either that day or some other day that I seem to becoming even more distant to the outside world. I do not… really care so much about it. I used to worry about the future quite a lot when younger. Now though… It is slowly becoming similar to the phrase “tomorrow never comes”. Is there really such to say there is a future? There is the present and the past. The present does not become the future, but does become a past. That is what you live. You live the present, you have the past. The future is not as tangible as that. I can only shrug though.

When I would say I lack ambitions… I really believe that is true. I am sure I have some, but they are not very noticeable and not likely along the lines of “acceptable” to reality. Sigh.

I lack in anything left to write, I believe. I am talking to Neko right now though. 🙂 Oh, and now that I think about it, in five days or something, I’ll be off to see my brother and father.

~ The Tired Vampire Sheep