The Holiday Season…

Well, my cat returned home yesterday evening. The tests and the stay cost me about three-hundred and something in the teens. He is on a new diet and has two things of medication he needs. He’ll need to go in for a checkup ten days from now.

He seems more distant at the moment and less responsive. I’m sort of afraid of bothering him. Despite that he seems fine overall. I fed him his new food. He likes it. His eating will have to be moderated now. His diet is all wet food from now on I guess. Due to the meds, he eats at 6, 12 and then 6 again. We have to keep dry food from him, so all the other cats in the house have to eat under the same timing.

His kidneys are working better, but all those times we thought he was spraying to enforce his alpha-male status had really been kidney failure. So, he still has issues in that and likely will never have his kidneys work up to their full potential.

I just hope he gets to feeling like his old self again.


Well, Thanksgiving is coming up. We are doing the usual by going to visit my mother’s cousin and aunt. I expect it to go as always. The week after my dad’s brother will be stopping by to visit us. How long, I have no idea. My dad is being a dolt because he intends to have him sleep in the living room. Jeez, Dad… He’s your brother, he’s a grown man, he is in the earlier stages of MS and… well, damn it. He needs a room.

Anyway, then comes December. Some point Mom and I are going for our usual ritual in getting hair cuts by driving about two hours to accomplish the feat. Heh.

On the fifth I believe I’ll have that teeth cleaning. I was supposed to have it sometime last week or perhaps before that. My mom never wrote the appointment down though, so we never remembered it.

I think I was also supposed to see the head-doctor the day after my birthday, but something happened and that was to be moved to some other time.

Anyway, my Christmas present for Mom arrived yesterday. I’d check it out for any possible damage, but then it would require undoing all the tape, and since it did not come in a box… well… that will just be too much trouble.

I still have yet to get E. brother his gift and my sister one as well. I know what I’ll get them; it is just for the sake of timing. After all, I won’t be seeing my eldest brother this Christmas, and what I intend to get my sister is candy since she is a sugar fiend.

My other brother is out of luck. I helped him with that car thing earlier this year. That amounts to about thirteen gifts from me.

As for my dad… my mom and brother had this idea to get him something for his car. I know what it is; I just don’t know what it is called. In any case, it is decided it will be a joint effort between the three of us to get it for him… so, until that happens, I can’t really do anything.

Well… that is all I really have to write. I figured I’d get all this down just for the sake of it. Okay then.